Thank you for choosing MultistreamFX.The following Terms and Conditions and the Privacy policy.(together, the “Terms”) apply to any person that registers for and/or opens a MultistreamFX Account through Multistreamfx.com or any associated mobile applications, website, or APIs (together, the “MultistreamFX site”).
The Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and MultistreamFX Pte. Ltd., which is a company incorporated under the laws of Singapore. For further information on MultistreamFX Pte. Ltd., and its operating subsidiaries, please see the MultistreamFX company information page on the MultistreamFX website. For the purposes of these Terms, any reference to “we” “us” “our” “MultistreamFX ” and/or any similar term shall be construed as reference to MultistreamFX Pte. Ltd.
By registering for and opening a MultistreamFX Account, you unconditionally accept these Terms and agree to be bound by and act in accordance with them. You also accept and agree that you are solely responsible for understanding and complying with all laws, rules, regulations and requirements of the jurisdiction in which you live that may be applicable to your use of the MultistreamFX Site and/or your MultistreamFX Account, including but not limited to, those related to export or import activity, taxes or foreign currency transactions. Depending on your country of residence, you may not be able to use all the functions of the MultistreamFX Site.
Please read these Terms carefully before using the Luno Site because they affect your legal rights and obligations.




MultistreamFX may amend the Terms from time to time. You should visit the MultistreamFX website regularly to check when the Terms were last updated (as displayed at the top of this document) and to review the current Terms. We will do our best to notify you of any amendments to the Terms that we consider likely to materially affect your rights and obligations. Any such notice will be posted on the MultistreamFX Site, or sent by email to the address associated with your MultistreamFX Account (see Electronic Communications).
The continued use of your MultistreamFX Account, after any amendment to these Terms, constitutes your acceptance of the Terms, as modified by such amendment. If you do not accept the Terms, or any amendment to them, you must immediately stop using the MultistreamFX Site and your MultistreamFX Account.


By opening a MultistreamFX Account, you expressly warrant and represent that:

•You are 18 years of age or over and have full capacity to accept the Terms and enter any transaction available through the MultistreamFX Site;

•You will not open, or attempt to open, a MultistreamFX Account under any name except your own; or use your MultistreamFX Account to carry out transactions on behalf of a third party;

•You will follow the MultistreamFX business account application process  if you seek to open and use a MultistreamFX Account for a non-individual legal entity (e.g. a company, trust or partnership);

•You will not have more than one MultistreamFX Account; use or access any MultistreamFX Account other than your own; or assist any other person in obtaining unauthorised access to any MultistreamFX Account;

•You will provide security for transactions carried out through your MultistreamFX Account by ensuring there is sufficient Local Currency or cryptocurrency (as the case may be) in your MultistreamFX Account in advance of any transaction;

•You will not allow or facilitate the deposit of Local Currency into your MultistreamFX Account unless that deposit is made in accordance with the Deposit Requirements (see Deposits);

•You will not allow or facilitate the withdrawal of Local Currency from your MultistreamFX Wallet to a wallet held in the name of a third party (see Withdrawals);

•You will not use your MultistreamFX Account for or in relation to any illegal activity, any Prohibited Activity, in violation of any laws, statutes, ordinances or regulations, or in breach of MultistreamFX’s Export Controls and Sanctions requirements;

•You are not a national or resident of the United States of America.

  • Any capitalised terms used in this Eligibility section shall have the meaning given to them in these Terms. Reference in these Terms to “Local Currency” means fiat or government issued currency (e.g. GBP, EUR, ZAR).
    By opening a MultistreamFX Account you accept and agree that MultistreamFX may, without further notice and in its sole discretion, terminate, suspend or restrict the account of any customer who uses, or who we reasonably suspect may be using, the MultistreamFX Site or any MultistreamFX Account in a manner that is inconsistent with the letter or spirit of these Terms.



Before using the MultistreamFX Site, you should ensure that you understand the risks involved in buying, selling or trading cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency markets can be volatile and prices can fluctuate significantly, which could result in sudden and significant increases or decreases in the value of your assets. This market volatility and other risks involved in buying, selling or trading cryptocurrencies are explained on the MultistreamFX website.
You should carefully assess whether your financial situation and risk tolerance is suitable for buying, selling or trading cryptocurrency. You accept and agree that you are solely responsible for any decision to buy, sell, trade or otherwise hold or deal with cryptocurrency.


You accept and agree that:

•any communications, agreements, notices and/or any other documents (together “Communications”) relating to your MultistreamFX Account or your use of MultistreamFX’s services will be provided to you electronically by posting them on the MultistreamFX Site, emailing them to the email address you have provided to us, or through any other form of electronic communication. You consent to receiving all Communications electronically;

•you will at all times have available to you the necessary hardware and software to receive, access and retain Communications sent to you electronically, including a device with an internet connection and a valid and accessible email address;

•you assume full responsibility for providing MultistreamFX with a valid and accessible email address to which any Communications may be sent, and for ensuring that email address and any other contact information is kept up to date. Any Communication sent to the email address you have provided to us will be deemed to have been received by you. You can amend your contact information by signing-in to your MultistreamFX Account and accessing the Settings page.

•You may at any time withdraw your consent to receiving Communications electronically by contacting MultistreamFX Support team.You acknowledge that failure to give, or withdrawing, consent to receiving Communications electronically puts the security of your MultistreamFX Account at risk (see Account Security) and that MultistreamFX reserves the right to close your MultistreamFX Account in the event you fail to give, or withdraw, your consent to the receipt of Communications electronically.


MultistreamFX implements and maintains the highest standards of Know Your Customer (“KYC”) processes and controls as part of our commitment to combating fraud and assisting in the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. While our industry is largely unregulated, MultistreamFX voluntarily adheres to local and international compliance standards in relation to customer due diligence.
To ensure we meet these standards, our customers are required to provide certain personal details and documents when opening a MultistreamFX Account (“Identity Verification”). The nature and extent of the Identity Verification required will depend upon which of our supported countries you are resident in, and the deposit and withdrawal limits that you wish to apply to your MultistreamFX Account. In certain circumstances, MultistreamFX may also perform enhanced due diligence (“EDD”) procedures in relation to your MultistreamFX Account. You accept and agree that you will remain subject to such procedures at all times.
MultistreamFX reserves the right to, at any time:

•restrict or suspend your MultistreamFX Account when we, in our sole discretion, consider it necessary to carry out further Identity Verification and/or EDD; or

•terminate your MultistreamFX Account if you provide, or we suspect you have provided, false information or refuse to provide information we require for Identity Verification and/or EDD.

•You accept and agree that there may be delays in accessing your MultistreamFX Account, or in carrying out transactions through your MultistreamFX Account, while we undertake any Identity Verification and/or EDD procedures.

•Retention of information. MultistreamFX is required to retain certain information and documentation obtained as part of the Identity Verification and EDD procedures. These requirements apply even when you have terminated your relationship with MultistreamFX. We reserve the right to keep such information and documentation for the required period and you accept and agree that information and documentation you provide to MultistreamFX may be retained by us, including following the closure of your MultistreamFX Account.



•Bitcoin transactions has COT rights on wired transfers.

•Transaction charges must be made independently as funds are stored in foreign accounts.



•There are different account levels, with deposit and withdrawal limits that apply to each level take note because anything other than this will call for the indefinite locking of account in compliance to the AML policy( anti money laundering policy) and additional custom fees.

•Level 1          




~sumbit a recent selfie.



•Level 2




~Submit photo/scan of government-issued ID.



•Level 3




~Submit proof of residential address.



•Level 4 (GOLD LEVEL)




~Submit your international passport.

For all user related issues, contact our social media support systems available to you or mail info@Multistreamfx.com